Ernie Els Golf swing---- More videos below

Ernie Els Golf Swing

Saturday 10 October 2009

Ernie Els Golf Swing - How to generate real power

In the golf world, there are quite a few swings that amaze fans in terms of power and club head speed. Golfers like Tiger Woods have swings that are both violent and beautiful, and they produce incredibly results. But when you talk about the most elegant and effective swings on tour, most people would point to Ernie Els and his fluid motion. How goes the Ernie Els golf swing generate such amazing power?

This is a question that many have tried to answer and it's been a question of debate among those who follow the tour. After all, it doesn't look like Els is swinging hard, yet he still manages to hit his woods and irons farther than almost any player in the game. So what is the answer to his power, seems it seems to almost come out of nowhere.

The Ernie Els golf swing is all about tempo and it's all about fluidity. Some golfers need to violently clear their hips in order to get the club down to the ball, but Els doesn't have this problem. Because his swing plane is so perfect and so consistent, there are no sudden or violent movements necessary. The real key to his power comes from his shoulder rotation, though.

This is one of those things that amateur golfers don't seem to grasp and it comes naturally to many pros. When you swing a golf club, the bulk of power comes from turning your shoulders, so that you are getting a full rotation. Els is one of the best in the game at getting the shoulder turn necessary to produce powerful, accurate shots.

Likewise, Els produces an extraordinary amount of power through his arms and his wrists. If you have ever seen him in person, then you will notice his strong build. He's built well through the arms, and he transfers power into the ball at the point of contact. This arm strength and shoulder turn combine to give him remarkable distance on drives and long irons, though it doesn't seem like he's exerting himself at all.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Ernie Els - Whats his secret to winning tournaments?

Ernie Els - Whats his secret to winning tournaments?
If you watch a lot of golf, then the name Ernie Els undoubtedly means something to you. For most of us, we associate Ernie Els with winning tournaments and staying in contention at the least. But how does he do it? What's his secret, so to speak? The truth is that there is no secret. His success is fully a product of his rock solid swing.

One of the first things that makes Els successful is his tempo. He's been called "The Big Easy" for good reason, and it's because he consistently stays within himself. Some players try to hit the ball a long way by swinging hard, but Els produces all of his power with shoulder rotation and clubhead speed. What this allows for is amazing consistency, as Els can repeat his motion time and time again.

When you look at the swing of Ernie Els, you also see incredible shoulder turn. This is true of pretty much any pro golfer, but Els takes it to another level. He's able to produce an incredibly amount of torque by turning his shoulders smoothly and fully. This is one of the things that gives him driving distance, but allows for accuracy, as well.

One of the most underrated parts of Ernie Els' game is his inside out approach. His takeaways are always on point, and he's able to almost swing out at the ball from his body. This inside swing plane is important because it gives him the ability to play a nice draw, while also staying down on the ball. In this way, Els consistently makes excellent contact with both his irons and his woods.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

How To Have an Ernie Els golf swing

Known as "The Big Easy", Ernie Els swings a club as if he were born to do it. The smooth and graceful nature of his swings hides the sheer power he generates throughout his entire body as it channels into the ball. There are a few things to note about Ernie Els golf swing that should help any player get more from their game.

When you watch Ernie Els golf swing, the first thing is to look at his head throughout the whole of his swing. His head just doesn't move until his right shoulder brings it around at the end of his follow through. This is a key point as you have to focus on the ball the whole time and keep your head still.

Another thing to notice are his arms, especially his left arm. He keeps his arm straight throughout the entire swing. This one thing point helps to keep his club, at the top of his back swing, parallel to the ground. This allows him to begin his downward stroke evenly and smoothly by keeping his shoulders, arms and the club head in the correct alignment all the way down through to the ball.

When he begins his downward swing to the ball his hips lead the way. His body rotates properly and this allows his arms and shoulders to follow through correctly. After the contact is made with the ball his shoulders and hips are aligned together producing the swing that has labeled Ernie Els "The Big Easy". The Ernie Els Golf Swing is about as perfect as it gets.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Ernie Elf golf swing training techniques

Ernie Els golf swing has helped him become known all over the world and led to him to win 29 tournaments including winning two U.S opens. He has a very powerful swing that makes many golf players want to learn his secrets. One of Ernie Els golf swing techniques is called the long distance putt control, you have to use four or five golf balls and putt with the hands you trail with, depending on the hand you use to write with you will use the same one to putt with. By making strokes you will get a sense of putter flowing, so do not stop its flow. Your control will be fascinating, and this control is used by golf players all around. After this use your regular address and stroke it lightly. all of these will make the right distance making it easier to putt every now and then and it will help you make a long one. Ernie Els golf swing training technique is one that helps any golfer to increase strengths in their golfing skills.

Another Ernie Els golf swing technique is never swing too hard because this will cause you to lose focus of in controlling your swing. The important thing about swing training is always keep balance and control. If you keep training it will help you get a much faster swing. Always stay focused and don't try too hard and that will maker your swing even better. You always have to exercise your body and muscles in order to keep a powerful swing. If you are weak your muscles won't allow you to get the swing you want. You can really learn from following Ernie Elf golf swing training techniques. If you follow Ernie Els golf swing techniques then maybe you can become one of tomorrows best golf players.

Friday 25 September 2009

Ernie Els Golf swing –Steal his techniques and knock 5-10 shots off your very next round!

Ernie Els golf swing is without doubt one of the smoothest on the professional tour.
Standing at 6ft 3 inches and weighing in at over 15st, this powerhouse golfer ensures that he maintains his balance throughout and really drives through the ball.

Lets take a look now at his set up.
First of all he doesn’t grip the golf club very tight. It is said that by gently pulling the club from Ernie it would easily fall from his hands. So a light grip is best!

Let the club do the work – This is vital. So many club amateurs try and hit the ball as hard as humanly possible thinking that this will gain them an extra 10-20 yards.
Watch Ernie Els golf swing and you will see that he doesn’t do this, and if Ernie Els doesn’t do it and he is one of the top players in the world, then why would you do it?

Swing- Ernie again doesn’t force this part either. He simply does what feels right and what he is comfortable with and this makes him the envy of a lot of tour players who try to force their swings and end up with worse scores as a result.
So swing smooth and easy like Ernie.

So simply put, Ernie Els golf swing is one of good balance, light grip, smooth swinging and relaxed power. This technique will generate consistent results to your game.

Watch Ernie Els golf swing at the blog below whereby there are some further analysis of the great mans swing.

Ernie Els Golf Swing - 3 ways to copy his swing!

Ernie Els golf swing is arguably the best and natural golf swing on the professional tour.
Many have tried to copy the swing of this great man but few achieve.
Here we look at the 3 easiest way to copy Ernie Els golf swing for yourself!

Ernie Els golf swing is a very natural and free flowing swing that manages to generate a great deal of power and accuracy on a consistent basis ensuring that he is always near the top of the leader board and we will look at how best to copy his style for yourself.

The first thing to ensure is a the smooth take away after addressing the ball be it on the tee or on the fairway playing towards the green.
Keeping the left arm straight and a still head will make sure that balance is kept and the take away motion steady.

Secondly, make sure that you get a good shoulder turn by the top of the back swing so that an optimum position is reached before the quicker decent of the down swing.
When you watch Ernie Els golf swing you will see that a full swing is always taken so that maximum power can be generated.

Every professional golfer will tell you that another important element of the swing is tempo and rhythm.
Ernie Els golf swing is no different and he manages to, on every swing, have a smooth and even tempo.

Too many amateur golfers try and swing as hard as they can thinking that this is the way that power is generated, but on doing so lose the ideal shape of the swing and therefore distance too.

So to attempt to copy Ernie Els golf swing think, smooth take away, good shoulder turn and an even tempo throughout the swing.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Ernie Els Golf Swing

Welcome to the Ernie Els golf swing blogspot.

Many golfers try to emulate Ernie Els golf swing and for
a very good reason he makes the game look very easy.

The smooth rhythm of his golf swing and the power that is
generated is what has helped make Ernie Els one of the most
consistent performing golfers on the professional tour.

On this site you will find a few videos of the Ernie Els golf swing,
some golfing tips to help you improve and some great links
for even more free advice.

Best of luck in your quest for the ability to have the
perfect Ernie Els golf swing!